Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Global Warming: the urgent responsibility. The Environmental Authority

Pas une journée en ce moment sans qu'une nouvelle étude ne vienne dénoncer les dangers du réchauffement climatique.

Cette semaine a vu le Journal of Biogeography publier une étude britannique sur les impacts du réchauffement sur les migrations des oiseaux, le Point publier un article sur les conséquences du réchauffement sur le tourisme en France tandis que Libération pointe les effets de la montée des Océans sur les populations vivant dans des régions littorales.

The Conference Tromsoe, 28 and 29 April in Norway, has sounded the alarm on melting much faster than expected from the polar ice while a World Conference on Oceans open this Monday, May 11 proposes to study the impacts of warming on sea .

If these many articles, studies and conferences make although the effects predictable and potentially disastrous climate change to life on earth and nature, these accounts made, focusing more consequences than the causes, highlighted the issue of responsibility of different actors in the development of global including that of his own individual responsibility.

Indeed, consumption patterns, production (including energy) and organization of different societies, different nations, companies are not the same.

And everyone does not share the same responsibility in causing climate change.

It is therefore essential to find solutions that empower reinforce each actor (consumers and producers) by the reintroduction of regulations made by the States .

This regulation also requires the widespread use of tools for measuring the ecological footprint of each that will punish positively or negatively each according to their positive or negative actions on climate change.

About Global Warming:

Sustainable Thinking:

China Policy

http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/ 2009/03/la-politique-energetique-de-la-chine.html

Politics U.S.

http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/03/ barack-obama-new-politique.html

Policy Russia


coal producing countries


http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/01/limpratif -de-la-mastery-of-changement.html





Site Waliboo

http://www.waliboo.com/oiseaux/news/le-rechauffement-climatique-affecte-la-migration -des-oiseaux/37965

Site Point


Website development durable.com Tromsoe Conference on

http://www.developpementdurable.com/environnement/2009/04/A1573/rechauffement-climatique-une-conference-en -prepare-a-other.html

Site of AFP on the Global Conference on Oceans

http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ ALeqM5hrdpHqQa5Mk_6kbVfgPSzwayRUGg

release site on the threat of rising sea





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