Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Tell Between Ingrown Hair And Herpes

baskets of organic vegetables are in!

sails, baskets organic! Real good seasonal vegetables. They come from the Farm to Ménéac Bé. That's local as we dream.

Place Order at the grocery store until Sunday afternoon.

* Price of the basket: 10 €

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Welcome Message In The Program

[Part II] The race-mad l'externalisation: How far up does it take?

  1. l'hypernumérisation, (Part I)
  2. la mondialisation, (Part II)
  3. la consumérisation, (Part II)
  4. le cloud computing, (Part II)

Eat Drink And Be Married Sayings

[Part I] The race-mad l'externalisation: How far up does it take?

Dix forces majeures qui sont en train de remodeler activement l'avenir des services informatiques et du marché de l'externalisation :

  1. l'hypernumérisation (Part I)
  2. globalization
  3. consumerization,
  4. cloud computing,
  5. technology decisions,
  6. security and respect for privacy,
  7. development through components
  8. the hyper,
  9. chains service value trades
  10. the hyperverticalisation.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Burning Sensation On Collar Bone
