Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hard Painless Lump On Side Of Neck

Blue Gold in crisis: water, new weapon of war

Water has become, since few years, just as a resource strategic oil . Who holds water, holds the power! This is not harmless if in 50 years, some programs of the United Nations have focused lending-related violence in water. well, this is not coincidence that Obama has put water in the heart of its foreign policy. The Americans seem to have incorporated the dynamics of water as factor for economic recovery and power.

one water crisis ...

It is clear that over the past 30 years our lifestyles have changed. Who says lifestyle, "said consumer and said said consumer needs water to produce. Thus, a number of region is currently suffering from water stress that could be described as modern, because of their recency. Thus, the Mediterranean, with 32% of global tourism, is in this situation. victim of its success, its growing water needs would be due to tourism. Remember, thereto, that each tourist consumes an average of 4 times more water than a local resident! Related to the increase of population, Ethiopia also suffers, in its way, water stress. In fact the country's population increased sharply in recent years and thus needs! Cradle of the Nile, Ethiopia, which consumes only 3% water of this river, provides more than 80% to its neighbors. To meet its new water needs to feed its population and cultivate their lands, the solution would be to increase its use of Nile water. But unfortunately, for historical reasons and Diplomacy, Egypt and Sudan, dealing with the management of the Nile, refuse to negotiate. Beyond the simple case of a crisis, even here the water appears as a geopolitical issue. If Ethiopia could operate on the Nile back to power, it would become, like Turkey and China, a power water. Besides, this event has not gone unnoticed by Americans who signed a special partnership with the country. Which brings me to my second point, the water war.

At a water war

While hydraulic power par excellence, China has yet to geographical and environmental anomalies . Representing 20% of the population world, the country holds only 7% of the world's freshwater. However, China does not hesitate to meet all its needs, to put pressure on Tibet, water tower of Asia, as well as the surrounding countries, positioning itself as the tap of the asia. In fact, the vast majority of rivers flowing into Asia through its territory. But this problem quantity added a quality issues, more serious still. Indeed, China does not care about pollution issues and jeopardizes its own reserves of water, so small they are. Add to this the finding of changes in consumption patterns among Asians. In fact, the export of our consumption (red meat, bread ...) implies a growth of our water needs. For example, for 15 kg of beef, it requires 15 times more water to produce 15 kg of wheat. More specifically, studies show that for the manufacture of a single hamburger requires about 6 thousand liters of water!

On these facts, it is necessary to highlight the issues of water, such as geopolitical issues both as a development factor but also as a power factor . Most importantly, these issues are hiding behind real food security issues, humanitarian issues and agriculture.

Sources: "Water, geopolitical issues, strategy" Franck Galland

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ap Biologycarolina Lab 5 Answers

The plant protection industry is "going green"

society "Adivalor" just released a first very positive about the waste management plant protection (pest control products for the protection crop) * in France in 2008.
This "micro-balance sheet" available on the website of this company revealed compelling information relating to the recovery of waste from the crop protection industry.

We learn that among other :
· 4950 tonnes d’emballages ont étés collectés auprès des « utilisateurs professionnels » ; soit 27% de plus qu’en 2007.
· 95% des produits phytopharmaceutiques que l’on retrouve sur le marché français incluent une éco-contribution servant à valoriser les emballages usagés.

Les résultats atteints par ce secteur sont particulièrement encourageants car, au-delà même d’être en parfaite conformité avec le carnet de route fixé par la filière -des produits de santé végétale- et de répondre aux attentes des pouvoirs publics impliqués, cette stratégie visant à réduire the impact of packaging of such products on the environment is close to its goal, namely 70% of collection / recycling by 2010. Great company when you know that France is the first European country (4th in the world after the United States, Brazil and Japan) consumer protection products, and in 2007 this market reported 1.841 million euros that nothing 'in the metropolis.


Source: News- - R. Boughriet - 21/04/2009
Adivalor company Website:
Union Industry Plant Protection:
* Set the plant protection (click here )

Tiffany Towers Breakfast At Tiffanys

Fruit of the Grenelle Environment

Following the Grenelle Environment, France has taken serious decisions regarding renewable energy.
Indeed, the state has decided to increase to at least 23% share of renewable energies in its consumption. This requires doubling the production of 'wood-energy' by multiplying by 6 and by 12 geothermal district heating networks. But
prize goes to photovoltaics with a production target multiplied by 400.
This involves projects of various sizes (ranging from 5 to 20 MW) in all regions of France, including overseas territories.
For this development, the Commission de Regulation de l'Energie (CRE) launched a tender for which answers are expected for December 21, 2009.

After the bios-fuels and wind turbines, France has finally realized that the future of renewable energy is solar energy, it offers the best performance and the evolution of which technique is most important.

Adrian M.

Sources :

Monday, April 27, 2009

Highland Dance Outifts For Sale

Green Hotel, the example of Russelior!

Among the sectors most energy efficient, the service sector tops the wire with the hotel! Faced with this situation and to try to reverse the trend, the association "green hotel" collects and promotes environmentally conscious hotels. And hotels that are positioning themselves openly on the hospitality industry green and put in place solutions to save water, electricity and reduce waste solids, not only in a savings target but also participation in protecting the planet, can be labeled "green hotel".

Thus recently, April 16, 2009, in Tunisia, Mr. Mourad Mehdoui, owner and CEO of "The Russelior" (Hammamet-Sud), received 1st prize of the President of the Republic for incitement to rationalize energy consumption and promoting renewable energy.

hotel entirely designed in a project to reduce consumption energy and respect for the environment appears as an oasis of freshness. He is surrounded by a park of 5 hectares, built to "ensure a micro-climate and thus allow a refresh of the environment to reduce the use of air conditioning in summer, but warmer in winter to reduce heating, "said Mr. Mourad Mehdoui. Finally, when one looks more ready to build this palace Tunisia, there is indeed, double glazed windows, efficient lighting, doors, electrical, thermal insulation walls and roof, the timer innovative and new, centralized technical management (CTM) with the installation of an operating theater screens to be managed by remote control and compartments for anything that might cause a waste of energy.

The cost of this investment: 85 MDT.
Finally, for a luxury clientele, sensitive to ecological issues, this little corner of paradise will open late 2009.