This is what the Shell Eco-marathon Europe. The principle is simple: design a vehicle capable of traveling the longest distance with minimal energy. For the year 2009, the first prize was awarded to a French team, the St. Joseph High School The Joliverie, near Nantes. His vehicle prototype gasoline engine, dubbed "Microjoule", managed to travel more of 3771 km with only 1 liter of petrol, with a CO2 emissions equal to 0.7 grams per kilometer. A true performance.
Whether these ambitious projects inspire our automakers. Why not an effective partnership between an energy company and a major manufacturer? at least, a collaboration between the research and development teams of each? ..
Whether these ambitious projects inspire our automakers. Why not an effective partnership between an energy company and a major manufacturer? at least, a collaboration between the research and development teams of each? ..
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