All media celebrated the end of April the hundred days of the Obama presidency with a look more or less critical.
28 and 29 April, held in Washington at the initiative of the United States and following the will of President Obama a "Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate". This meeting was attended by sixteen countries emitting the most Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and the European Union and aimed to prepare the Copenhagen conference dy 7 to 18 December 2009.
Meanwhile, U.S. President is working to convince his countrymen that a change of energy model is a strategic issue de sécurité, d’indépendance nationale et de croissance économique.
Mais quelles sont les capacités de la Maison Blanche à impulser un changement dans la politique énergétique des Etats-Unis ?
Sur un plan intérieur, les américains sont de plus en plus conscients des enjeux du réchauffement comme en témoigne la volonté de certains Etats telle la Californie de mettre en œuvre des politiques luttant contre l'effet de serre.
Et President Obama is determined to guide the U.S. capacity for innovation (in generalizing these innovations and increasing returns on the market) towards the Green Businness. He has the desire to acquire his country a competitive advantage in this area.
efforts in terms of research and development must be guided by the administration through recovery plans and budgets to the energy reported as one of three priorities.
Steve Chu's appointment as Secretary of State for Energy and has received le prix Nobel de physique témoigne de cette volonté de se tourner vers les énergies renouvelables.
Cependant les lobbys des producteurs de pétrole et de charbon restent puissants et sont bien représentés au Congrès et au Sénat dans les ranges des politiques issus des Etats américains producteurs.
Et une nouvelle politique doit passer par l’établissement de ce fameux consensus si cher aux américains, donc par les assemblées.
Sur le plan extérieur, America has to give up the "dream" of the Bush presidency of geopolitical domination of the Middle East and Central Asia ... and its huge hydrocarbon reserves. While the geopolitics of global energy supplies and raw materials has made the last fifteen years in a context of increased competition for access to resources.
amércaine The administration can only take into account the relative failures of Iraq and Afghanistan, which weaken the positions of the United States as the crisis.
And Obama seems to have taken note of the strengthening of a more multi-polar with the rise of China and the return of Russia.
Obama may also take into account the realities of current energy policy to negotiate a transition.
The U.S. energy consumption in 2007 to 2 361.4 million tonnes oil equivalent (Mtoe) for a global consumption of 11 099.3 Mtoe.
This consumption of the United States represents over 20% of global energy consumption while the U.S. accounts for 6% of world population.
In this energy the United States, oil accounted for 943.1 Mtoe (39% of total U.S. energy consumption and 24 % of total world oil consumption).
Gas 595.7 Mtoe (25% of total U.S. energy consumption and 22% of total world gas consumption).
And coal 573.7 Mtoe (24% of total U.S. energy consumption and 18% of total world consumption of coal).
A paradigm shift will be difficult to negotiate for the economy and the American way of life.
This probably explains the prudence of the U.S. administration remains on target "action" in the context of commitments Obama's campaign.
These goals are 14 to 15% reduction of GHG emissions in 2020 compared to 2005 levels then 80% in 2050.
While Europe aims to reduce its emissions by 20% in 2020 compared to 1990 levels .
In all cases, progress in the United States regarding global warming, for the Copenhagen summit, should be packed primarily by domestic political factors.
About Global Warming:
Sustainable Thinking:
China Policy
Politics U.S.
http:/ / reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/03/barack-obama-nouvelle-politique.html
Policy Russia
coal producing countries
http : / / reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/01/limpratif-de-la-matrise-du-changement.html
http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/03/rechauffement-climatique -and-oceans.html
http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/05/petites-phrases-entre-usa -France-et.html
Le Monde, 28 April 2009 "The Obama Administration work on two fronts against the climate issue "Corine Lesnes
BP Stacial rewiew of world energy june 2008.
Also read:
Interwiew Liberation Energy Policy U.S.
Le Figaro:
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