Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Vacation Spots In January

4th Gala Intelligence

The Thinking Blog Sustainable pleased to recall that the 4th Gala Intelligence, organized by the Ecole de Guerre Economique, will take place June 30, 2009 in the Rotunda of the Ecole Militaire .

The gala is the only opportunity for professionals in the community and alumni EMT (training organization pioneer and leader in this area) to be in a warm and interact with actors of economic intelligence.


For more information, visit the website gala.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thick And Brown Discharge

Energy Efficiency: encourage innovation! Choose

This is what the Shell Eco-marathon Europe. The principle is simple: design a vehicle capable of traveling the longest distance with minimal energy. For the year 2009, the first prize was awarded to a French team, the St. Joseph High School The Joliverie, near Nantes. His vehicle prototype gasoline engine, dubbed "Microjoule", managed to travel more of 3771 km with only 1 liter of petrol, with a CO2 emissions equal to 0.7 grams per kilometer. A true performance.
Whether these ambitious projects inspire our automakers. Why not an effective partnership between an energy company and a major manufacturer? at least, a collaboration between the research and development teams of each? ..



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Christening Messages For Joshua

its energy policy in a crisis ..

It is easier to criticize a policy to define it. What is the best way to highlight the difficulty of our governments to promote effective energy policy at European level? moreover, in times of crisis? This is the ambition of gathering Ecology in Europe, offering a game on the energy crisis. This allows "to be aware of the European institutions, their composition and their role, and the energy challenges ahead." You can then, within a few hours, put yourself in the shoes of a head of state, an MEP, or the President of the European Commission. You must try to control energy and ensure energy supplies in your country .. The idea of such a game can make you smile, but it can also be put in a good condition to understand the issues and strategies.

salute this initiative, and originality of this approach, which, failing to promote the collection for the next European elections, said the need to diversify sources of energy.


Source: http://www.europeecologie.fr/contenu/la-crise-de-lenergie-le-jeu

How To Build A 1/8 Balsa Wood Bridge

Banks and Sustainable Development

In times of crisis, it would appear that banks develop some interest in the issue of development Dural. The crisis is characterized by a crisis of confidence, especially to banks "and in this context," sustainable development issues for a company issues become strategic " said Severin Cabannes, deputy CEO of Société Générale, at a conference organized as part of the sustainable development week.

Societe Generale wants to combine technology and sustainable development. Thus, as part of its policy against climate change, the Societe Generale Group has launched a "Green IT" which seeks not only to reduce CO2 emissions from its computers, but also to leverage new technologies to improve environmental footprint of all activities. This program will bring together a range of initiatives such as:

- An internal procedure published in the Societe Generale Group, which advocates the use of sorting and recovery of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) such that micro-computers, servers, phones, focusing on industries responsible for dismantling and with concern for a complete life cycle tools.

- "Smart Building": A study will be launched on the possibility of integrating a tool for automation reporting consumption of fluids and energy for different types of buildings of the Group. This tool will aim to facilitate the technical management of buildings and optimize their management according to their changing needs over time.

- In the same vein, a study was launched for the creation of a reference group and a self-assessment to set targets and actions for improving the energy performance and environment for all building stock of the Group.

The ongoing efforts of the banks have so far been perceived as efforts in communication. Indeed, companies are a multitude of reports on their carbon emissions on French territory but fail to take into account all the other offices / buildings they hold abroad, where they continue to conduct their activities without really taking into account the local environment ...






Monday, May 18, 2009

Discharge Instead Of A Period

Global warming and United States: Obama's ability to promote a new energy policy. Show

All media celebrated the end of April the hundred days of the Obama presidency with a look more or less critical.

28 and 29 April, held in Washington at the initiative of the United States and following the will of President Obama a "Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate". This meeting was attended by sixteen countries emitting the most Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and the European Union and aimed to prepare the Copenhagen conference dy 7 to 18 December 2009.

Meanwhile, U.S. President is working to convince his countrymen that a change of energy model is a strategic issue de sécurité, d’indépendance nationale et de croissance économique.

Mais quelles sont les capacités de la Maison Blanche à impulser un changement dans la politique énergétique des Etats-Unis ?

Sur un plan intérieur, les américains sont de plus en plus conscients des enjeux du réchauffement comme en témoigne la volonté de certains Etats telle la Californie de mettre en œuvre des politiques luttant contre l'effet de serre.

Et President Obama is determined to guide the U.S. capacity for innovation (in generalizing these innovations and increasing returns on the market) towards the Green Businness. He has the desire to acquire his country a competitive advantage in this area.

efforts in terms of research and development must be guided by the administration through recovery plans and budgets to the energy reported as one of three priorities.

Steve Chu's appointment as Secretary of State for Energy and has received le prix Nobel de physique témoigne de cette volonté de se tourner vers les énergies renouvelables.

Cependant les lobbys des producteurs de pétrole et de charbon restent puissants et sont bien représentés au Congrès et au Sénat dans les ranges des politiques issus des Etats américains producteurs.

Et une nouvelle politique doit passer par l’établissement de ce fameux consensus si cher aux américains, donc par les assemblées.

Sur le plan extérieur, America has to give up the "dream" of the Bush presidency of geopolitical domination of the Middle East and Central Asia ... and its huge hydrocarbon reserves. While the geopolitics of global energy supplies and raw materials has made the last fifteen years in a context of increased competition for access to resources.

amércaine The administration can only take into account the relative failures of Iraq and Afghanistan, which weaken the positions of the United States as the crisis.

And Obama seems to have taken note of the strengthening of a more multi-polar with the rise of China and the return of Russia.

Obama may also take into account the realities of current energy policy to negotiate a transition.

The U.S. energy consumption in 2007 to 2 361.4 million tonnes oil equivalent (Mtoe) for a global consumption of 11 099.3 Mtoe.

This consumption of the United States represents over 20% of global energy consumption while the U.S. accounts for 6% of world population.

In this energy the United States, oil accounted for 943.1 Mtoe (39% of total U.S. energy consumption and 24 % of total world oil consumption).

Gas 595.7 Mtoe (25% of total U.S. energy consumption and 22% of total world gas consumption).

And coal 573.7 Mtoe (24% of total U.S. energy consumption and 18% of total world consumption of coal).

A paradigm shift will be difficult to negotiate for the economy and the American way of life.

This probably explains the prudence of the U.S. administration remains on target "action" in the context of commitments Obama's campaign.

These goals are 14 to 15% reduction of GHG emissions in 2020 compared to 2005 levels then 80% in 2050.

While Europe aims to reduce its emissions by 20% in 2020 compared to 1990 levels .

In all cases, progress in the United States regarding global warming, for the Copenhagen summit, should be packed primarily by domestic political factors.

About Global Warming:

Sustainable Thinking:

China Policy


Politics U.S.

http:/ / reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/03/barack-obama-nouvelle-politique.html

Policy Russia


coal producing countries


http : / / reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/01/limpratif-de-la-matrise-du-changement.html



http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/03/rechauffement-climatique -and-oceans.html

http://reflexiondurable.blogspot.com/2009/05/petites-phrases-entre-usa -France-et.html


Le Monde, 28 April 2009 "The Obama Administration work on two fronts against the climate issue "Corine Lesnes

BP Stacial rewiew of world energy june 2008.

Also read:

Interwiew Liberation Energy Policy U.S.

http:/ /% C3% environnement.blogs.liberation.fr/noualhat/2009/05/en-2040-plus-besoin-de-p A9trole aux usa.html

Le Figaro:



Thursday, May 14, 2009

Target Commercial In Spanish

luxury and sustainable development

From 15 to 17 May 2009, Sustainable Luxury Fair 1618: A new luxury , Palais de Tokyo (Paris 8).

An event open to all!

For the first time, a lounge proposes associating luxury and sustainable development, through exposure to the artistic, cultural and commercial!

Supported by the Ministry of Culture and WWF, the show will present a large number of businesses and products, carefully selected by a committee of experts. Among the exhibitors we can see the Six Senses group for eco tourism, Segways for mobility, Fritsch and partner for design and SheerinOko for beauty.

10% of each ticket purchased will be donated to WWF to support their fight against illegal gold mining in Guyana.

For those who do not know what it is, gold panning is a scourge in French Guiana. The operation gold is a major industrial activities in French Guiana and one of the most important income of the country. But this industry is due to deforestation and worse of mercury pollution of soil and water. Remember that French Guiana has one of three large areas of primary tropical forest in the world.

Finally, among the various program activities include also the film Here to stay Barougier Pierre and Olivier Bourgeois, who raises a certain number of issues, including the responsibility of man in the natural balance of our environment. A really interesting film.

Before concluding this post, let us give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar! This initiative, a living room combining luxury and sustainable development, we owe it to Barbara Coignet, director, a sales and press office specialized in lending to the protea and fashion accessory, which just create society 1618 Productions .

show website 1618
document WWF gold mining in Guyana
site that addresses the problem of gold mining in Guyana: Caribbean Studies
site BMCS