(Baudelaire) http://bacfrancais.chez.com/albatros-baud.htm
http://www.oiseaux.net/oiseaux/albatros.a.sourcils . noirs.html
What the people say BMI?
When I tell my patients that BMI now, we no longer say
BMI but PC, Cerebral palsy
they feel a little attacked!
"PC? As Politically Correct?

Who decided that?
- doctors at conferences, in publications in order to better understand when we talk about you have got used to adopt the terminology Anglo- Saxon!
- because they talk about us behind our backs? "
Apparently the word "cripple" does not bother with cerebral palsy.
They were even captured it like a flag, a flag, a flag. A court of miracles
marching through the streets
gay pride and cynical.
They alter the environment to the meaning of the acronym, but it was theirs.
"Unable to walk properly" was the least trivial
As Cyrano nose pulling worms
is the servant himself with enough verve
and not allowing him to serve another!
Infirmus in Latin means which is not strong, weak.
BMI meant a weakness of origin Cerebral Palsy.
BMI was forged during her childhood and adolescence a kind of moral strength which qu'il est prêt à revendiquer son nom porteur de son identité.
lire aussi Jollien Alexandre - Le métier d'homme - Seuil -
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