I do not know where to start!
Sydney .. uen city very beautiful, very / too French for me because I want to live there but enough to spend several wonderful days.
Melbourne .. THE city of Australia or would like to stay, live. people, vegan food, the pedestrian streets, pubs superb covers the top floor of a building rotten, all this is Melbourne. And he could go see my buddy who works Aurelien la bas! Et la ->
La Great Ocean Road.. le froid, les rando dans des forets au bord de l'ocean.. le froid encore et surtout des spot de surf et le siege des entreprises de ventes de materiel de surf.
Mais bon tout ca vous vous en foutez! Place au road trip de Brisbane a Cairns. Trois joueurs, Cam la menace, 7 mois de tour du monde, 2 passages televisuels dans divers films tels que Purple Lake (le barman a un moment donne qui regarde la camera..) et le championnat de starcraft (celui avec la chemise a fleur dans le public qui fait des grands sourires avec sa pancarte faite en papier mache), Orel, Trotter de pere en fils, il a quitte sa terre natale (la normandie) pour partir a l'aventure loin, tres loin, toujours plus loin (un peu comme rahan finalement..) et a atterit a melbourne. Vous pouvez ne pas le voir dans divers films tel que purple lake ou le championnat de starcraft. Et moi qui recupere les miagiste a travers le monde (si toi aussi tu es miagiste et tu as envie de tout quitter appelle moi vite au 8 24 24).
Le road trip a commence a Brisbane où l'on a revu des trotters de Kyoto. On a pu se balader dans la ville, ville ou je pourrais probablement vivre aussi (et bat Melbourne sur la temperature). Ensuite direction Noosa ou l'on a pu avoir une itination au surf. Si je vous parle de mon "take off", ne "wave" et "de faire attention a ma neck" si vous comprenez pas rien de grave..
We made the acquaintance of a Jean Claude Van Damme in Australia who speaks two languages is that despite french .. and his son "Sony" = D
but surfing is so much we need to move towards Frazer Island ... I will be dining I will tell you later !!!!!!!!!! Re
! Orel
Yes you're right to make me think of my blog that is not finished yet!! no no no!
Frazer Island was two days in a 4x4 on an island almost deserted road with no sand lakes, the ocean's waves that throw (corrosive) on you driving your huge 4x4 pollutant but you do steps because you're in Australia:) I saw a dingo (mix between dog and wolf .. probably the closest wild dog wolf .. it was good to hear them howl at night, scratching .. trying to steal a shoe and from camille ... ah ... .. dingoes after this island so there was mad Hervey Bay ... what we have done well over there .... ... ... good: D According to this island which had to be fantastic we went for a cruise in the Whitsundays, and they are incredible Barrier Reef. we could sleep in 1m square in a small boat snorkeling was great .. but mostly I have to confess a weakness for the ball bouncing on the water .. a game that is played both in freshwater and at sea! entertaining a delight! For more information send an sms to Aurelien 8 22 22.
Ensuiite .... oh yes we are back a little before Cairns Magnetic Island .. not many people have realized there is not an inevitable and me, let me tell you, sisi let me say, this is a great opportunity to go on a nice island (especially since everyone can bring holden'C her on the spot) with beaches has breathtaking .. magic with the ball bouncing class on breaking waves .. and there is a natural park and the opportunity to see (I have my picture in support) of eucalyptus koala routing machines!
Then I arrived in Cairns. I had a flight to Sydney and I made up my fiesta flight to Montreal .....
! Orel
Yes you're right to make me think of my blog that is not finished yet!! no no no!
Frazer Island was two days in a 4x4 on an island almost deserted road with no sand lakes, the ocean's waves that throw (corrosive) on you driving your huge 4x4 pollutant but you do steps because you're in Australia:) I saw a dingo (mix between dog and wolf .. probably the closest wild dog wolf .. it was good to hear them howl at night, scratching .. trying to steal a shoe and from camille ... ah ... .. dingoes after this island so there was mad Hervey Bay ... what we have done well over there .... ... ... good: D According to this island which had to be fantastic we went for a cruise in the Whitsundays, and they are incredible Barrier Reef. we could sleep in 1m square in a small boat snorkeling was great .. but mostly I have to confess a weakness for the ball bouncing on the water .. a game that is played both in freshwater and at sea! entertaining a delight! For more information send an sms to Aurelien 8 22 22.
Ensuiite .... oh yes we are back a little before Cairns Magnetic Island .. not many people have realized there is not an inevitable and me, let me tell you, sisi let me say, this is a great opportunity to go on a nice island (especially since everyone can bring holden'C her on the spot) with beaches has breathtaking .. magic with the ball bouncing class on breaking waves .. and there is a natural park and the opportunity to see (I have my picture in support) of eucalyptus koala routing machines!
Then I arrived in Cairns. I had a flight to Sydney and I made up my fiesta flight to Montreal .....